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If you wish to compete, all rules on this page MUST be followed for your points to be credible towards your rankings. We take rules very seriously with a zero tolerance policy. The show year begins on January 1 and ends December 9.


1. All horses and riders competing in rated shows shown on the show schedule MUST be registered with NAJHA.

2. You may register as many horses as you'd like, there is no limit. There is also no limit to how many horses you wish to compete with.

3. Riders must check in themselves and their horses before the start of rated competition to receive their number and make sure both the horse(s) and rider is registered.

4. Entries for all rated shows must be complete and turned in via our #entries channel in our Discord. Entries will not be accepted past the completion of the check in for that show. 

5. Horses are in the green division for one full show year if they have not competed before. Once they've completed at least 6 shows in the show year, the next year they are able to move up to the regular division. (Except dressage, western, & eventing).

6. Horses are considered seasoned and in the regular division if they have previously participated in 6 shows in the greens or have gone to other shows including photo shows and live shows. (Except dressage, western, & eventing).

7. Novice / advanced divisions within the green / regular divisions are for the rider's amount of skill. Novice divisions are labeled "novice" yet the advanced levels are not labeled (see Disciplines & Divisions; for example the novice rider division for regular hunters is:"Novice Regular Hunters" vs. the advanced rider division for regular hunters:"Regular Hunters"). (Except dressage).

8. If you have shown before or know how your division works, you should consider showing in the advanced divisions (the divisions that don't have "novice" in the name). (Except dressage).

9. If you are new to your division or have limited experience, you should consider showing in the novice level. After one year in the novice level, you are eligible to move up to the advanced level. (Except dressage).

10. During your first check in, you will be asked if you think you should compete in the novice or advanced level for your division. (Except dressage).

11. Always have fun when showing and show respect and sportsmanship towards staff and other riders!



                Novice Green Hunters           Riders with little or no experience in hunters riding a green horse

                Green Hunters                        Riders with experience in hunters riding a green horse

                Novice Regular Hunters        Riders with little or no experience in hunters riding a seasoned (regular) horse

                Regular Hunters​                     Riders with experience in hunters riding a seasoned (regular) horse


1. Over fences (O/F) classes are judged on the look of the rider and horse, how they are presented, how calm the horse is, how much control the rider has, how each fence is jumped, the approach and landing of each jump, if you follow the course, and what gait the horse is doing.

2. Scores will be presented out of 100.

3. Horses can be placed down in the jog for conformation classes only, and this would be a last minute change from the judge because of their round OR if the horse is presented better on the ground.

4. Jogs are judged on the horse's stance on the ground. The horse must be standing straight in line and not too close to another horse.

5. If two riders are to have the same score at the end of a division, there will be a ride off OR the judge decides a winner.

6. Under saddle (U/S) classes are judged on the look of the rider and horse, how they are presented, how calm the horse is, how much control the rider has, space given between you an another horse, and what gait the horse is doing.

7. Outfits do count as part of your score but varies depending on the judge's choice. The typical look in the hunter ring is a black or navy coat, tan breeches, black boots, black gloves, and a black helmet. A shadbelly is appropriate when requested. The horse would typically wear brown or black saddle and bridle, and an optional small white saddlepad. Boots or wraps are not allowed.

8. In green/novice divisions, some things considered imperfect in the hunter ring may be excused because of the horse or rider's limited skill (ex. the jump is jumped at an angle, the rider cut a corner). There is more expected from seasoned riders and horses. 

9. Braiding your horse's mane is requested for rated shows.


All horses in SSO are allowed in the horse hunters except for the following:


                   Chincoteague Pony


                   Friesian Horse / Friesian Sport Horse

                   Icelandic Horse

                   Jorvik Pony

                   Jorvik Starter Pony

                   Jorvik Wild Horse

                   Jorvik Wild Pony

                   North Swedish Horse


                   Tinker Horse

                   Welsh Pony


                Novice Green Pony Hunters               Riders with little or no experience in pony hunters riding a green pony

                Green Pony Hunters                            Riders with experience in pony hunters riding a green pony

                Novice Regular Pony Hunters            Riders with little or no experience in pony hunters riding a seasoned (regular) pony

                Regular Pony Hunters​                         Riders with experience in pony hunters riding a seasoned (regular) pony


1. Over fences (O/F) classes are judged on the look of the rider and pony, how they are presented, how calm the pony is, how much control the rider has, how each fence is jumped, the approach and landing of each jump, if you follow the course, and what gait the pony is doing.

2. Scores will be presented out of 100.

3. Ponies can be placed down in the jog for conformation classes only, and this would be a last minute change from the judge because of their round OR if the pony is presented better on the ground.

4. Jogs are judged on the pony's stance on the ground. The pony must be standing straight in line and not too close to another pony.

5. If two riders are to have the same score at the end of a division, there will be a ride off OR the judge decides a winner.

6. Under saddle (U/S) classes are judged on the look of the rider and pony, how they are presented, how calm the pony is, how much control the rider has, space given between you an another pony, and what gait the pony is doing.

7. Outfits do count as part of your score but varies depending on the judge's choice. The typical look in the hunter ring is a black or navy coat, tan breeches, black boots, black gloves, and a black helmet. A shadbelly is appropriate when requested. The pony would typically wear brown or black saddle and bridle, and an optional small white saddlepad. Boots or wraps are not allowed.

8. In green/novice divisions, some things considered imperfect in the hunter ring may be excused because of the pony or rider's limited skill (ex. the jump is jumped at an angle, the rider cut a corner). There is more expected from seasoned riders and ponies.

9. Braiding your pony's mane is requested for rated shows.



All ponies in SSO are allowed in the pony hunters. This includes:

                   Chincoteague Pony


                   Icelandic Horse

                   Jorvik Pony

                   Jorvik Starter Pony

                   Jorvik Wild Pony

                   Welsh Pony

SHOW JUMPING                

                Novice Green Jumpers              Riders with little or no experience in jumpers riding a green horse

                Green Jumpers                           Riders with experience in jumpers riding a green horse

                Novice Regular Jumpers           Riders with experience in jumpers riding a seasoned (regular) horse

                Regular Jumpers​                        Riders with experience in jumpers riding a seasoned (regular) horse


1. Rounds are judged on the time.

2. A four point fault will be added off if the horse refuses a fence or hits the fence.

3. Game cheating to make your horse go faster is never tolerated, you and your horse will be suspended for the show year.

4. If two riders are to have the same time, a jump-off will be ridden.

5. Proper attire is requested. Black helmet, black gloves, black boots, a red/blue/black show jacket, and white breeches. The horse should wear a brown or black saddle and bridle and a small saddlepad. Boots or wraps are optional but not required.​

6. Braiding your horse's mane is optional for rated shows.


All horses in SSO are allowed in the horse jumpers except for the following:


                   Chincoteague Pony


                   Friesian Horse / Friesian Sport Horse

                   Icelandic Horse

                   Jorvik Pony

                   Jorvik Starter Pony

                   Jorvik Wild Horse

                   Jorvik Wild Pony

                   North Swedish Horse


                   Tinker Horse

                   Welsh Pony


                Novice Green Pony Jumpers                 Riders with little or no experience in pony jumpers riding a green pony

                Green Pony Jumpers                              Riders with experience in pony jumpers riding a green pony

                Novice Regular Pony Jumpers              Riders with little or no experience in pony jumpers riding a seasoned (regular) pony

                Regular Pony Jumpers​                           Riders with experience in pony jumpers riding a seasoned (regular) pony


1. Rounds are judged on the time.

2. A four point fault will be added off if the pony refuses a fence or hits the fence.

3. Game cheating to make your pony go faster is never tolerated, you and your pony will be suspended for the show year.

4. If two riders are to have the same time, a jump-off will be ridden.

5. Proper attire is requested. Black helmet, black gloves, black boots, a red/blue/black show jacket, and white breeches. The pony should wear a brown or black saddle and bridle and a small saddlepad. Boots or wraps are optional but not required.​

6. Braiding your pony's mane is optional for rated shows.


All ponies in SSO are allowed in the pony hunters. This includes:

                   Chincoteague Pony


                   Icelandic Horse

                   Jorvik Pony

                   Jorvik Starter Pony

                   Jorvik Wild Pony

                   Welsh Pony


                Novice Dressage                         Riders and horses with little experience; this is the level you start at

                Intermediate Dressage               Riders and horses with some experience; this is the level if you've done dressage before & understand it (advancement test is given at each show)             

                Advanced Dressage​                    Riders and horses with plenty of experience; this is the level you start at if you've done dressage countless times and know what you're doing (advancement test is given at each show)


1. You are judged on consistency and freedom of your gaits, the control of the horse, the calmness of the horse, turnout of the rider and horse and how they each present themselves, correct aid, and if you follow the test correctly.

2. Scores are out of 100.

3. Tests for advancement are given at every dressage rated show. WJC Week 1 will have a day for only dressage tests so players can determine their level for the year. Riders must stay in that level for the rest of the year. Advancement tests for riders who join in the middle of the year can take a test at the current upcoming show for that time to determine their level.

4. Proper attire is requested. A traditional outfit would be a black top hat or helmet, black gloves, black boots, white breeches, and a black coat or shadbelly. The horse would wear a black or brown dressage saddle and bridle, with a large white saddlepad. White wraps are allowed, but wraps of other colors or boots are not.

5. Braiding your horse's mane is requested for rated shows.


All horses in SSO are allowed in horse dressage except for the following:

                   Chincoteague Pony


                   Icelandic Horse

                   Jorvik Pony

                   Jorvik Starter Pony

                   Jorvik Wild Pony

                   Welsh Pony


                Novice Pony Dressage                      Riders and ponies with little experience; this is the level you start at

                Intermediate Pony Dressage            Riders and ponies with some experience; this is the level if you've done dressage before & understand it (advancement test is given at each show)                    

                Advanced Pony Dressage                 Riders and ponies with plenty of experience; this is the level you start at if you've done dressage countless times and know what you're doing (advancement test is given at each show)


1. You are judged on consistency and freedom of your gaits, the control of the horse, the calmness of the horse, turnout of the rider and horse and how they each present themselves, correct aid, and if you follow the test correctly.

2. Scores are out of 100.

3. Tests for advancement are given at every dressage rated show. WJC Week 1 will have a day for only dressage tests so players can determine their level for the year. Riders must stay in that level for the rest of the year. Advancement tests for riders who join in the middle of the year can take a test at the current upcoming show for that time to determine their level.

4. Proper attire is requested. A traditional outfit would be a black top hat or helmet, black gloves, black boots, white breeches, and a black coat or shadbelly. The pony would wear a black or brown dressage saddle and bridle, with a large white saddlepad. White wraps are allowed, but wraps of other colors or boots are not.

5. Braiding your pony's mane is requested for rated shows.


All ponies in SSO are allowed in pony dressage. This includes:

                   Chincoteague Pony


                   Icelandic Horse

                   Jorvik Pony

                   Jorvik Starter Pony

                   Jorvik Wild Pony

                   Welsh Pony


                Novice Western Pleasure         Riders with little or no experience in western pleasure with a regular/green horse/pony

                Western Pleasure​                      Riders with experience in western pleasure with a regular/green horse/pony


1. You are judged by the horse/pony being a quiet ride and smooth, presentation, how calm the horse/pony is, how much control the rider has, space given between you an another horse/pony, and what gait the horse/pony is doing.

2. Proper attire is requested.


All horses/ponies in SSO are allowed in horse/pony western pleasure.


                Novice Reining


Riders with little or no experience in western reining with a regular/green horse/pony

Riders with experience in western reining with a regular/green horse/pony


1. You are judged on control, movements, and your horse's attitude.

3. Proper attire is requested. 


All horses/ponies in SSO are allowed in horse/pony western reining.


                Novice Barrel Racing              Riders with little or no experience in western barrel racing with a regular/green horse/pony​

                Barrel Racing                           Riders with experience in western barrel racing with a regular/green horse/pony


1. You are judged on control, movements, and your horse's attitude.

2. Proper attire is requested.


All horses/ponies in SSO are allowed in horse/pony western barrel racing.


                Novice Pole Bending

                  Pole Bending

Riders with little or no experience in western pole bending with a regular/green horse/pony

Riders with experience in western pole bending with a regular/green horse/pony


1. You are judged on control, movements, and your horse's attitude.

2. Proper attire is requested.


All horses/ponies in SSO are allowed in horse/pony western pole bending.


                Novice Eventing          Riders with little or no experience in eventing with a regular/green horse

                  Eventing                     Riders with experience in eventing with a regular/green horse​


1. Day 1 is always dressage.

2. You are judged in dressage on consistency and freedom of your gaits, the control of the horse, the calmness of the horse, turnout of the rider and horse and how they each present themselves, correct aid, and if you follow the test correctly.

3. Scores in dressage are out of 100.

4. Proper attire for dressage is requested. A traditional outfit would be a black top hat or helmet, black gloves, black boots, white breeches, and a black coat or shadbelly. The horse would wear a black or brown dressage saddle and bridle, with a large white saddlepad. White wraps are allowed, but wraps of other colors or boots are not.

5. Braiding your horse's mane is requested for dressage.

6. Day 2 is always cross country.

7. Cross country rounds are judged on time.

8. In cross country, a four point fault will be taken off if the horse refuses a fence or hits the fence.

9. In cross country, game cheating to make your horse go faster is never tolerated, you and your horse will be suspended for the show year.

10. In cross country, you MUST stay on the path. Shortcuts are not allowed. Your round will always be spectated by judges. 

11. Proper attire for cross country is requested. Helmet, boots, gloves, a vest/jacket, and white breeches are required. Horses should wear a bridle and saddle with a small saddlepad. Boots and wraps are allowed but not required.

12. Day 3 is always jumpers.

13.  Jumper rounds are judged on the time.

14. In jumpers, a four point fault will be taken off if the horse refuses a fence or hits the fence.

15. In jumpers, game cheating to make your horse go faster is never tolerated, you and your horse will be suspended for the show year.

16. If two riders are to have the same time in the jumpers, a jump-off will be ridden again.

17. Proper attire for jumpers is requested. Black helmet, black gloves, black boots, a red/blue/black show jacket, and white breeches. The horse should wear a brown or black saddle and bridle and a small saddlepad. Boots or wraps are optional but not required.​

18. Braiding your horse's mane is optional for jumpers.


All horses in SSO are allowed in horse eventing except for the following:


                   Chincoteague Pony


                   Friesian Horse / Friesian Sport Horse

                   Icelandic Horse

                   Jorvik Pony

                   Jorvik Starter Pony

                   Jorvik Wild Horse

                   Jorvik Wild Pony

                   North Swedish Horse


                   Tinker Horse

                   Welsh Pony


                  Novice Pony Eventing          Riders with little or no experience in eventing with a regular/green pony

                  Pony Eventing                       Riders with experience in eventing with a regular/green pony​


1. Day 1 is always dressage.

2. You are judged in dressage on consistency and freedom of your gaits, the control of the pony, the calmness of the pony, turnout of the rider and pony and how they each present themselves, correct aid, and if you follow the test correctly.

3. Scores in dressage are out of 100.

4. Proper attire for dressage is requested. A traditional outfit would be a black top hat or helmet, black gloves, black boots, white breeches, and a black coat or shadbelly. The pony would wear a black or brown dressage saddle and bridle, with a large white saddlepad. White wraps are allowed, but wraps of other colors or boots are not.

5. Braiding your pony's mane is requested for dressage.

6. Day 2 is always cross country.

7. Cross country rounds are judged on time.

8. In cross country, a four point fault will be taken off if the pony refuses a fence or hits the fence.

9. In cross country, game cheating to make your pony go faster is never tolerated, you and your pony will be suspended for the show year.

10. In cross country, you MUST stay on the path. Shortcuts are not allowed. Your round will always be spectated by judges. 

11. Proper attire for cross country is requested. Helmet, boots, gloves, a vest/jacket, and white breeches are required. Ponies should wear a bridle and saddle with a small saddlepad. Boots and wraps are allowed but not required.

12. Day 3 is always jumpers.

13.  Jumper rounds are judged on the time.

14. In jumpers, a four point fault will be taken off if the pony refuses a fence or hits the fence.

15. In jumpers, game cheating to make your pony go faster is never tolerated, you and your pony will be suspended for the show year.

16. If two riders are to have the same time in the jumpers, a jump-off will be ridden.

17. Proper attire for jumpers is requested. Black helmet, black gloves, black boots, a red/blue/black show jacket, and white breeches. The pony should wear a brown or black saddle and bridle and a small saddlepad. Boots or wraps are optional but not required.​

18. Braiding your pony's mane is optional for jumpers.


All ponies in SSO are allowed in pony eventing. This includes:

                   Chincoteague Pony


                   Icelandic Horse

                   Jorvik Pony

                   Jorvik Starter Pony

                   Jorvik Wild Pony

                   Welsh Pony

© 2019 by North America Jorvik Horse Assc. 

Est. July 6, 2018 5:03 PM EST



We are not in any way directly associated or sponsor Star Stable Entertainment AB. NAJHA is a player operated organization (club) with no rights to Star Stable Entertainment AB. NAJHA is responsible for any mistakes in points, player suspensions, judging, timing, and ranks.

All rights to NAJHA belong to founder Ida Riverwood.

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